
General Behavior :

For the sake of good order, no less than in his/her own interest, every student should observe the following regulations.

  • Students must respect as silence zones (the front lobby, all the corridors, and the area surrounding the library) while classes are in progress. Students who cause any disturbance in these zones shall be liable to a fine at the discretion of the principal.
  • Students are expected to read the announcements on the college and before they depart. Failure to do so could have serious consequences. Ignorance of instructions posted on the notice board shall not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance with them.
  • Students are required to observe rigorously the hours of work college office. Students are required to carry their identity cards in their persons at all times, and to present them for inspection when requested to do so by a professor or competent college authority.
  • Students who have legitimate grievances are encouraged to place them before the principal personally or through the suggestion box placed on the corridor outside the principal’s office. On no account may students organize protest meetings or signatures campaigns.
  • Students may not form any college society or club without the prior permission of the principal.
  • No outside person shall be invited to address a class or college club without the explicit permission of the principal. No tours or picnics of any class or any society may be arranged without the prior permission of the principal, nor shall this permission be given unless members of the staff assume responsibility for the excursion.
  • The organizers of class socials or get-together must contact the principal to book the hall. They must abide by the rules laid out in the “application form” that will be supplied. No outsiders are allowed at these events.
  • Students must park their two-wheeler vehicles only in the enclose allotted to them in the parking lot near the main gate of campus. Sitting on parked vehicles and or in the parking lot is prohibited and liable parking lot is authorized to enforce.
  • Please note that four wheeler are not allowed on campus. Students of college who misbehave at another college, or in any public place, or who bring discredit in any way upon themselves or upon this college, are liable to instant dismissal.
  • New students are to be welcomed with respect and affection. Any type of harassment ragging or misbehavior may mean instant dismissal from the college.

Discipline :

All campus institutions are noted for ‘discipline’. This word does not stand for ‘control’ or ‘suppression’ as is mistakenly understood. Rather, it means following a set of rules that ensures a “responsible exercise of one’s freedom”

Rules form part and parcel of every institution. Nevertheless, We believe that “rules are for humans, not humans for rules.” And so exceptions can be envisaged. Obviously, students who take the law into their own hands have to pay the consequences. The authorities go out of their way to contact the students, dialogue with offenders and consider their case sympathetically so as to be reasonable with the penalties imposed on them, when necessary, for the maintenance of discipline.

Rules :

  • Students who drop lectures / practical will have to face disciplinary action.
  • Special arrangements will be made for those who cannot appear for a test /examination/seminar/assignment because of involvement in some activity concerning the college/University (e.g. playing a match, participating in a competition), provided they have the permission of the principal.
  • Any student found using unfair means at a college test/examination/seminar/assignment will receive a ‘zero’ in the respective paper and may be asked to leave the college in the following term/year. The penalties imposed by the discipline committee will be final and binding on the student. Students must not carry their personal belongings (books, notes, purse, mobiles etc.) into the exam hall. They must check their personal, desk, and seat surrounding before the exam to make sure that there is nothing to indicate an attempt at using “Unfair” means.
  • During an examination students are not permitted to leave the exam room. Any student leaving the college building will be considered to have completed the exam and will not be allowed to re-enter the building/examination hall.
  • Students who boycott any exam will forfeit their marks, and have to face disciplinary action.